Creating a custom bookmarks page

Creating a custom bookmarks page

Version 1.0.7 of the Toolkit PRO introduced functionality to style the bookmarks page using Elementor. Here, we will show you how to do this:

Step 1. Settings

Go to Settings -> Mylisting Elementor Toolkit and activate the “Design bookmarks account section using Elementor” checkbox.

Step 2. Creating a template

Go to Templates and create a new Section. Assign the section to the MyListing Account Bookmarks location.

Step 3. Create the template

Now design your bookmarks page in Elementor. The most important widget is the Toolkit Listing Feed. Insert the widget, and in its settings choose Find listings using, then select Bookmarks of user.

Step 4. Publish the template

Now publish the template and set the display conditions. First choose Singular and then choose Mylisting Account. You might need to scroll down a bit!

Now, you are ready to go! Head to your account to see the template in action.